Two Channel 56GBaud (112Gbps) PAM-4 Linear Equalizer
Max Data Rate (Gbps): 112
Channels: 2
Integrated CDR: No
Package Type: Packaged
- Two channel 53.125GBaud PAM4, fully linear equalizer
- Extends the reach of passive of a 2m Twinax active copper cables: Up to 4.5m ACC with 25AWG twinax cable
- Extends the reach of passive of a 2m Twinax active copper cables: Up to 4.0m ACC with 28AWG twinax cable
- Extends the reach of passive of a 2m Twinax active copper cables: Up to 3.5m ACC with 30AWG twinax cable
- Extends the reach of passive of a 2m Twinax active copper cables: Up to 3.0m ACC with 32AWG twinax cable
- Per channel, programmable EQ range of 6dB to 16dB at Nyquist frequency of 26.56GHz.
- Optional 2-wire digital interface
- Optimized EQ settings can be stored in the One Time Programmable (OTP) register area
- Single 3.3V power supply offering low power of 150mW per channel
- 28GBaud compatible
- Supports 64b/66b, 128b/130b and 256b/257b encoded data
- Supported case temperature range -40C to +95C
- Active Copper Cables (ACC)
- On board Equalizers