Vehicle Intelligence


There are millions of traffic accidents around the world every year, and road traffic accidents are one of the main causes of death. In view of this, the design of vehicle safety systems has only focused on passive safety from the past, and has gradually added many active safety functions. Active safety collects environmental information through various electronic sensors, and transmits it to the powerful back-end driving computer through the vehicle’s high-speed communication technology. It uses image recognition and machine learning technology to intervene in vehicle control to prevent accidents and provide passengers with more comfort and safety driving environment.



  • Bluetooth
  • DSRC
  • 3GPP
  • IEEE 802.11ac/ax
  • IEEE 802.3bw/802.3bp/802.3cg/802.3ch
  • IEEE 802.1 TSN
  • GNSS
  • UWB



  • Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS)
  • Self-Driving Vehicle
