云端储存服务器 (Cloud Storage Server)
2014年, IDC预测地球上每人每分钟会产出1.7MB的数据,整体数据产出量可预期的将以每年40%的增长速度持续增加,在2020年以前,会有 44 zettabytes( 1 trillion GB) 的数据量产出。企业正在持续的进行数据的累积与分析,以了解客户需求的视野来帮助决策的制定,开启了数据与海量数据以指数型式成长的循环,云端储存服务器成为建构海量数据数据库的系统核心设备。
云端储存服务器需要storage controller 来因应严谨的 RAID data protection规格以建构具备合理ROI的server storage系统,主要需具备的功能如下:
- Enables the server to boot directly from the RAID array, eliminating the need for specialized boot drives and protecting information
- Allows IT managers to standardize on a single platform-agnostic controller that supports large, highly scalable drive pools to simplify storage expansion and management
- Supports a wide range of RAID levels including RAID 6, RAID 50 and RAID 60 to accommodate growing business needs for data protection
- Supports caching acceleration options for higher levels of RAID data protection to optimize performance.
- Supports the use of solid state drives (SSDs) to cache and accelerate frequently accessed data, combining the benefits of high-performance SSDs and high-capacity HDDs.
SAS通讯协定由INCITS(International Committee for Information Technology Standards)的 T10 committee 负责开发与维护, 由 SCSITA(SCSI Trade Association)负责推广。
NVM Express(NVMe),或称非挥发性记忆体主机控制器介面规范(Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface Specification,NVMHCIS),是一个逻辑装置介面规范。它是与AHCI类似的、基于装置逻辑介面的汇流排传输协定规范(相当于通讯协定中的应用层),用于存取通过PCI Express汇流排附加的非挥发性记忆体媒介(例如采用快闪记忆体的固态硬碟机)。
通用底板管理标准(Universal Backplane Management,UBM)用以规范伺服器中底板讯号传输的设计(SFF-TA-1005)
NVMe 1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4
- SGPIO (SFF-8485) functionality
- 2-Wire SES
- 2-Wire PCA usage
- Lane width detection enabling x1 and x2 NVMe usage
- Describing clocking requirements – REFCLK vs. SRIS vs. SRNS
- Enabling usage for power disable control
Direct Attached Storage (DAS)
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Storage Area Networks (SANs)
Networks Flash based Storage