Ethical Corporate Management Status

Implementation of Ethical Corporate Management and Deviations from the “Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies” and Reasons:

Evaluation Item
Implementation Status
Deviations and Reasons
Description of Summary
1. Formulate integrity management policies and programs
(1) Did the company establish an ethical corporate management policy that was approved by the Board of Directors, and declare its ethical corporate management policy and methods in its regulations and external documents, as well as the commitment of its Board and management to implementing the management policies?
(1) The “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct” has been approved by the Board of Directors and disclosed on the Company’s official website for Board members, senior management, and employees to follow.
(2) Does the company establish mechanisms for assessing the risk of unethical conduct, periodically analyze and assess operating activities within the scope of business with a relatively high risk of unethical conduct, and formulate an unethical conduct prevention plan on this basis, which at least includes preventive measures for conduct specified in Article 7, Paragraph 2 of the Ethical Corporate Management Best- Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies?
(2) To ensure robust ethical corporate management, the Corporate Governance Team is responsible for formulating and supervising the implementation of the Integrity Management Policy and Dishonest Conduct Policy and report the implementation status to the Board of Directors at least once a year. In addition, training courses on ethical corporate management were held during executive meetings and inter-departmental executive meetings. The content covered important issues such as integrity and legal compliance. 14 senior executives/14 hours and 23 ministers/23 hours, total 37 Person-times/37 hours.
(3) Did the company specify operating procedures, guidelines for conduct, punishments for violation, rules of appeal in the unethical conduct prevention plan, and does it implement and periodically review and revise the plan?
(3) The Company has established “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct”, with the relevant rules and regulations, and has set up a complaint channel under them. It implements them and reviews them regularly.
2. Fulfill operations integrity policy
(1) Does the company evaluate business partners’ ethical records and include ethics-related clauses in business contracts?
(1) The Legal Department reviews the terms and conditions of contracts signed by the Company in its external business activities to avoid dealing with persons with a record of dishonest conduct.
(2) Does the company have a unit responsible for ethical corporate management on a full-time basis under the Board of Directors which reports the ethical corporate management policy and programs against unethical conduct regularly (at least once a year) to the Board of Directors while overseeing such operations?
(2) To improve the management of integrity in business operations, the General Manager’s Office is responsible for formulating and supervising the execution of integrity management policies and dishonest behavior schemes and reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year. In addition, we arrange training courses on integrity in business operations during the general meeting, covering important topics such as integrity and legal compliance. The training totaled 209 person-times and 209 hours, and has reported to the board of directors on the implementation of integrity management on May 9, 2020.
(3) Does the Company establish policies to prevent conflicts of interest and provide appropriate communication channels, and implement it?
(3) In accordance with the principle of conflict of interest, all persons who have a conflict of interest are required to leave the meeting and not participate in the discussion and voting. The Company also provides appropriate opportunities for reporting to avoid conflict of interest.
(4) Does the company have an effective accounting system and internal control systems set up to facilitate ethical corporate management, does the internal auditing unit formulate audit plans based on unethical conduct risk assessment results, and does it audit compliance with the unethical conduct prevention plan or commission a CPA to perform the audit?
(4) To ensure the implementation of integrity management, the Company has established an effective accounting system and internal control system, and the internal auditors have prepared a relevant audit plan to regularly check compliance.
(5) Does the company regularly hold an internal and external educational training on operational integrity?
(5) The company regularly organizes various educational training and incorporates the spirit of “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct ” into the courses.
3. Operation of whistleblowing system
(1) Does the company establish both a reward/ punishment system and an integrity hotline? Can the accused be reached by an appropriate person for a follow-up?
(1) If an officer of the Consolidated Company suspects or discovers a violation, he or she should take the initiative to tip-off it to the Managerial Officers, the Internal Audit Supervisor, or other appropriate personnel.
(2) Does the company establish both a reward/ punishment system and an integrity hotline? Can the accused be reached by an appropriate person for a follow-up?
(2) The Company has a complaint channel and also requires the relevant staff to strictly observe the confidentiality norms.
(3) Does the company provide proper whistleblower protection?
(3) The identity of the whistleblower and his/her contents will be kept confidential and will not be subjected to improper disposal measures as a result of the whistleblowing.
4. Strengthening information disclosure
Does the Company disclose its ethical corporate management policies and the results of its implementation on the company’s website and MOPS?
The company has set up “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct” and disclosed it on the company website.
5. If the Company has established the ethical corporate management policies based on the Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies, please describe any discrepancy between the policies and their implementation: The Company has established Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles, and there is no difference between the operating conditions and the company’s principles.
6. Other important information helpful for understanding ethical corporate management: (e.g.: review and amendment of the ethical corporate management principles, etc.): None